Our Global Partners
Igusol is the result of the concern of the owners of a group of nutrition companies, with more than 25 years of experience, to provide innovative solutions in the field of nutrition and animal health.
Analyzing trends in animal health and the productive needs of the market, we develop natural solutions, with a strong innovative and technological component that guarantees safety and profitability.
Our experience allows us to design use strategies that optimize productive values, focusing on solving specific problems in a natural way.
Our purposes are:
- Provide solutions for each species and growth phase that help our clients solve their problems, achieve their objectives and obtain greater profitability.
- Guarantee the efficiency and quality of each product and service, putting them to the test in different geographical areas, production circumstances and different races.
- Increase food safety for our consumers, ensuring animal and human health, as well as environmental sustainability.
- Support a continuous improvement in R + D + I to make our clients more competitive and solve their future needs.