VETINA KBR Suspension -250 MG


Each ml contains:
Potassium bromide I.P.………250 mg
Cyanocobalamin I.P.…………….5 mcg
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride I.P.…..5 mg
Suspension base…………………q.s.

Flavour: Butterscotch, vanilla.





Bottle of 60 ml

Mechanism of action:

The exact mechanism of anticonvulsant action of bromide is incompletely understood.
The action appears to involve chloride ion channels which are an important part of the inhibitory neuronal network of the CNS.

Their function is modulated by GABA. Increased chloride ion flow, as a result of activation of GABA receptors by barbiturates or benzodiazepines, results in increased neuronal inhibition and increases the threshold for seizures.

Bromide appears to cross neuronal chloride channels more readily than chloride because it has a smaller hydrated diameter. By competing with chloride ions, bromide hyperpolarizes postsynaptic neuronal membranes and facilitates the action of inhibitory neurotransmitters.

Barbiturates may act synergistically with bromide to raise the seizure threshold by enhancing chloride conductance via GABA-ergic activity.

Dosage :


To achieve a serum level of approximately 1 mg/mL, give 120 mg/kg PO daily for 5 days then reduce 30 mg/kg PO once daily. To achieve a serum level of approximately 1.5 mg/mL, give 160 mg/kg PO for 5 days and then reduce to 40 mg/kg PO once daily thereafter.

For seizures: 400 – 600 mg/kg/day divided and given with food. May be given over 24 hours or more gradually over 5 days. Then go to initial maintenance dose: 20 – 30 mg/kg PO once daily.

For idiopathic epilepsy: 100 mg/kg (q6h) for the first 24 hours, or 100 mg/kg (q24h) for 4 days. Maintenance dose: 35 – 40 mg/kg PO once daily (q24h). Serum KBr concentrations at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and every 6 months thereafter


As third choice (after phenobarbital and diazepam) therapy of refractory seizures: 10 – 20 mg/kg/day PO. Follow same guideline as dogs.
As second line therapy for epilepsy: 30 mg/kg PO once daily.

Vetina’s KBR  Suspension Dosing 

To achieve a serum level of approximately 1 mg/mL, give 120 mg/kg PO daily for 5 days  Dose reduction to  30 mg/kg PO once daily.  For seizures:  400 – 600 mg/kg/day divided and given with food. May be given over 24 hours or more gradually over 5 days. Then go to initial maintenance dose: 20 – 30 mg/kg PO once daily
For Giving 120 mg /kg  daily : For Giving 30 mg /kg  daily : For Giving 500 mg /kg  daily :
Wt of Dog taken 10 Kgs  Wt of Dog taken 10 Kgs  Wt of Dog taken 10 Kgs 
Concentration of drug is 250 mg /ml Concentration of drug is 250 mg /ml Concentration of drug is 250 mg /ml
Dose Calculation  Dose Calculation  Dose Calculation 
120 mg X 10 kgs = 1200 mg (Dose requiremennt ) 30 mg X 10 kgs = 300 mg (Dose requiremennt ) 500 mg X 10 kgs = 5000 mg (Dose requiremennt )
1200/ 250 mg (Drug concentration ) 300/ 250 mg (Drug concentration ) 5000/ 250 mg (Drug concentration )
For 10 Kg Dog and Cat Dose = 4.8 ml   For 10 Kg Dog and Cat Dose =1.2ml   For 10 Kg Dog and Cat Dose =20 ml  
Dosing as per Weight per day for 5 days 

Dosing as per Weight

Dosing as per Weight

Weight  Dose  Weight  Dose  Weight  Dose 
5 kg  2.4 ml 5 kg  0.6 ml 5 kg  10 ml
10 kg 4.8 ml 10 kg 1.2 ml 10 kg 20 ml
15 kgs  7.2 ml 15 kgs  1.8 ml 15 kgs  30 ml
20 kgs  9.6 ml 20 kgs  2.4  ml 20 kgs  40 ml
25 kgs  12 ml 25 kgs  3 ml 25 kgs  50 ml
30 kgs  14.4 ml 30 kgs  3.6 ml 30 kgs  60 ml
35 kgs  16.8 ml 35 kgs  4.2 ml 35 kgs  70 ml
40 kgs  19.2 ml 40 kgs  4.8 ml 40 kgs  80 ml
45 kgs 21.6 ml 45 kgs 5.4 ml 45 kgs 90 ml